Thursday, May 20, 2010

Running is guilt-free

As exams looms closer, I just cannot help but to be weighted by this feeling of..... guilt.

Guilt of not pacing my studies since the beginning of the year (in fact, beginning of my education).
Guilt of not fully utilising the resources my parents have bought for me using their hard-earned money.
Guilt of using that money instead to spend my time idly (and garner the most amazing friends!).

Especially now, the guilt is immense.

Guilt of "revising" the wrong book. *hint:almost everyone "reads" this book

And until recently, guilt of not training for my half-marathon (38 days away). My excuse would be due to the weather, it dipped last week and running outside was the last thing I wanted to do.

At last today I bucked up and ran out the door into the most wonderful weather so far. It's lovely that spring is back again. (In fact, I got to kick the blanket off me on the previous night, a second time!)

The run was surprisingly ache-free and it was absolutely indulging. It does not cease to amaze me that running, unlike books, does not punish me for neglecting it. Unlike books, I feel so at ease and thoroughly enjoying every single stride. Instead of time quickening as I am having fun (which it usually does, oh.. all those late nights in the kitchen talking!), time seem to cruise more slowly as I pace myself. Maybe it is because for that period of time, I really am focusing on the present. The bomb!

Run, and you will know what I mean.

See all of you soon, miss you guys lots!

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